Heather Nisbet Heather Nisbet discusses some basic contract elements for overage or price top up arrangements in property deals in the first half of her two-part blog which continues tomorrow.
Dr. Julie Nixon Dr. Julie Nixon, solicitor at MBM Commercial writes about recent changes to UK consumer law.
Blog: The Glasgow bin lorry crash: why we need greater transparency in prosecutorial decision-making
By Professor James Chalmers The previous two days of the Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) currently taking place in Glasgow Sheriff Court must have been at least frustrating and often deeply distressing for everyone involved.
Megan Briggs A new EU directive is set to change the law around trade secrets, Megan Briggs explains.
Lorna Davis Following the decision of the EAT in Scotland's first social media misconduct case, Lorna Davis discusses the guidelines that can be drawn from the emerging caselaw.
Heather Pearson Last week’s media coverage of rising house costs and predictions of a growing private rental sector has again brought the issue of Scotland’s housing needs into focus. But while public perception traditionally favours home ownership, a stronger private rental sector will benefit
David Armstrong David Armstrong discusses the claims arising from accidents involving buses and how technology might be used to avoid such tragedies in the future.
Michael McDougall Michael McDougall says licensing law must keep pace with developments in the provision of taxi services.
The next generation of workers will work very differently, writes Simon Allison. Millennial: born between 1982 and 1995, millennial is the term used to describe the next generation of workers.
Peter Alderdice An ineffective system of governance for the financial sector is to be overhauled next year, writes Peter Alderdice.
Nick Atkins New laws relieve land of permanent stigma over contamination, writes Nick Atkins.
Laura Hay (pictured) provides an update on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill. The bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament after a Stage 3 debate on 17 June. The commencement date has still to be announced. Extension of Community Right to Buy
Families Need Fathers Scotland discuss the perils of a gendered definition of domestic abuse. The Scottish government recently sought views on proposals to change the law on various aspects of domestic abuse and sexual offences. The proposals, entitled Equally Safe: Scotland's strategy for preventin
By Professor Alan Miller (pictured), chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission. Next year marks 25 years since the UK signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This international human rights treaty recognises children as individuals with rights, in their own