
1726-1740 of 1850 Articles
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Michael Sheridan questions the sense of the Scottish government's court fee proposals. The Scottish government has issued an inquiry entitled Consultation on Scottish Court Fees. This document asks how court fees should be increased in order to achieve full cost recovery.

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Douglas Mill In his latest blog, Douglas Mill gives his opinion on the works of Richard Susskind.

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David Hoey A recent survey by the TUC has highlighted that sexual harassment at work can, in some sectors, be prevalent, writes David Hoey.

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Richard Farndale Given the uncertainty of Brexit, arbitration could provide an opportunity for managing the risk of disputes with greater predictability and control. It should certainly be considered and weighed up at the time you enter into a new contractual relationship, writes Richard Farndale.

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Willie McIntyre We all know that there is a presumption against the imposition of prison sentences, but these days it’s difficult for solicitors, never mind their clients, to access the jail.

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Alan McIntosh Alan McIntosh of Govan Law Centre writes about the different ways PPI claims and protected trust deeds are dealt with in court.

1726-1740 of 1850 Articles