Gavin McEwan of Turcan Connell writes about the changes charities will see after Brexit. Charity law and regulation are matters which have remained largely within the control of the UK and Scottish parliaments, with little interference from Europe. As a result, there are no major upsets on the legal
Mark Hastings Within the evolving legal landscape of personal injury, lies a piece of legislation to which pursuers’ firms are becoming more alive when considering the merits of an injured party’s claim, particularly in the pre-litigation stage, writes Mark Hastings.
Michael Kelly In the first of a series of blogs for The Scotsman, MacRoberts' partner Michael Kelly charts the collapse of his father’s business just before the financial crisis and how he and his brothers helped it emerge from this “dark period” with a “brutally challenging” first three y
Hazel Coutts Hazel Coutts provides an update on new immigration legislation.
Kate Hodgkiss New rules coming in 2018 will require offices to make massive changes, says Kate Hodgkiss.
Ronnie Brown (pictured), from Burness Paull, writes about the new legislation introduced to combat tax evasion. The UK is well known for having one of the toughest anti-bribery laws in the world, and extending the corporate offence of failure to prevent bribery to other areas of corporate crime seem
Stuart McWilliams of Morton Fraser, writes about the effect Brexit will have on EU nationals already residing in the UK. In the lead-up to the EU referendum immigration featured as a key issue, but despite calls to “take back control” of the UK borders there is only speculation about how immigr
Kerry Norval Substantial changes in employment law are not likely in the short-term, writes Kerry Norval.
Andrew Alexander Andrew Alexander discusses developments in the use of technology in the legal sector.
Vikki Melville Reform of third party rights is very much overdue, writes Vikki Melville.
Lucy Harington Major changes to the tenancy laws in Scotland will give more security to tenants, but also produce hazards for landlords, write Lucy Harington and Louise McAlister.
Cat MacLean Cat MacLean writes about barriers to justice and other difficulties in litigating against banks.