Most Northern Ireland barristers will be unable to sustain their practice if there is no increase in court business or additional government support by September, a new survey suggests. A survey carried out by The Bar of Northern Ireland in April, with responses from nearly two-thirds (60 per cent)
Northern Ireland
The convener of the Faculty of Advocates' International Committee, James Mure QC, will be one of the speakers at a conference in Northern Ireland to explore major constitutional law issues. The Belfast summer school is hosted by the Attorney General for Northern Ireland, John Larkin QC, from 7 to 9
The routine fast-tracking of legislation relating to Northern Ireland is "constitutionally unacceptable", a key Westminster committee has said. The House of Lords select committee on the constitution said the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill could have been "introduced earlier and proceed
Restricted public access to rape trials and the provision of publicly-funded legal advice to complainants are among the final recommendations of the judge-led review into serious sexual offence trials.