Kapil Summan

31-45 of 153 Articles
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Defence solicitors will not enter Edinburgh Sheriff Court today after a member of the profession was removed by police from the court building on Saturday without explanation – and at the behest of a member of court staff. While undertaking its boycott of the custody court, an Edinburgh Bar As

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Scholar and sometime strongman Professor James Chalmers has been laying down the law – in the gym. More accustomed to reps with the Stair Memorial Encyclopedia, Professor Chalmers has perhaps found it necessary to toughen up now that he walks the mean streets of Glasgow.

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An elderly man has succeeded in challenging the procedural fairness of a hearing in which he was subjected to an experience reminiscent of Franz Kafka's The Trial, his lawyer said. In 2019, Dr Denis Paling appeared at Ipswich Magistrates Court in a case concerning unpaid council tax relating to a le

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Joshua Rozenberg has pointed out that Dominic Raab, who was recently appointed lord chancellor, arrived late to his swearing-in ceremony yesterday. He may have suffered a wardrobe malfunction, Mr Rozenberg suggests. "Raab is clearly wearing his jabot — the frilly ruff — under the collar

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Plans to exclude juries from rape trials have been rubbished by the Faculty of Advocates. In a submission to Holyrood's Criminal Justice Committee, the Faculty states that many within the legal profession had been accused of being conspiracy theorists when they suggested last year that there was "a

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Dmitry Dedov, Russia's judge at the European Court of Human Rights, gave a partly dissenting opinion in today's long-awaited judgment in the case brought by the widow of Alexander Litvinenko against the Russian state. Mr Litvinenko, a Russian defector and dissident, was fatally poisoned with poloniu

31-45 of 153 Articles