
23956-23970 of 24943 Articles
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MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee will today consider the implications for Scotland of the proposed “in-out” referendum and renegotiation of the UK’s membership of the European Union (EU). The committee will hear from a panel of EU experts as MSPs se

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The High Court in London is to hear a challenge by two MPs to the UK government's surveillance law. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (DRIPA) was fast-tracked through the Commons in only three days last July after the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled the existing powers were

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New laws to establish a system for opting out of organ donation could be considered next year. Labour MSP Anne McTaggart put her Transplantation (Authorisation of Removal of Organs) Scotland Bill before the Parliament yesterday.

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Maclay Murray & Spens LLP (MMS) has seen its IP & technology team ranked among the best in the world by two publications. MMS has been awarded gold status in the Scottish category of two industry publications: Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) and World Trademark Review (WTR).

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An act from 1979 allowing referendums for a Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly is among legislation being recommended for repeal by the law commissions. A report published by the Law Commission for England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission proposes clearing away more than 200 old laws th

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Morton Fraser has congratulated associate, Gail Watt and Rajini Sokhi of FES Ltd for winning the Campaigner Award at the Scottish Renewables Young Professionals in Green Energy Awards held in Glasgow on 28 May. Ms Watt and Ms Sokhi were presented with the award for founding the Women In Renewable En

23956-23970 of 24943 Articles