
24541-24555 of 26205 Articles
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Scotch Whisky has received legal protection in 17 African countries after an intellectual property organisation on the continent gave it geographical indication (GI) status. Member countries of the Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI) will only recognise Scotch whisky as whis

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Legal affairs minister Paul Wheelhouse Trading standards staff have been given a "vital tool" for closing retailers of legal highs ahead of upcoming legislation addressing their prevalence, according to legal affairs minister Paul Wheelhouse.

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The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee want to hear from people across Scotland as it begins its examination of the Footway Parking and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill. The bill aims to make it illegal to park on footways (pavements) and make pavements safer by stoppi

24541-24555 of 26205 Articles