Lord Jones Two “inconsistent” decrees of the same court amount to “exceptional circumstances” which would allow the court to reduce a decree by default if reduction is “necessary to produce substantial justice”, a judge in the Court of Session has ruled.
Edward Snowden An influential business lobby group has declared it shares concerns about controversial proposed changes to the governance of Scottish universities.
Michael Matheson The Ministerial Group on Offender Reintegration(MGOR) has completed a report setting out pledges to deliver improvements for the reintegration of short-term prisoners into Scottish society.
Scotch Whisky has received legal protection in 17 African countries after an intellectual property organisation on the continent gave it geographical indication (GI) status. Member countries of the Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI) will only recognise Scotch whisky as whis
Beverley Atkinson A second solicitor advocate at Brodies has been accredited as a specialist in professional negligence law by the Law Society of Scotland.
Chris Jones The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) has criticised proposals by the Ministry of Justice to introduce fees for taxpayers wishing to take disputes - appealing a penalty notice for example - with HMRC to tribunal.
Jonathan Smithers Solicitors must be consulted on moves towards new routes for entry to the profession, according to the Law Society of England and Wales.
The Lord Advocate with NCL students
From left: David McAlpine, David Forrester, Carol Boyd, Ewen Brown and Alan McCormack
SLTA chief executive Paul Waterson Scotland's new drink-driving legislation is having a negative impact on the Scottish pub trade, according to the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA).
Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, Sheenagh Adams Registers of Scotland (RoS) has experienced its most significant year in recent history, according to the organisation’s 2014-15 annual report and accounts.
Legal affairs minister Paul Wheelhouse Trading standards staff have been given a "vital tool" for closing retailers of legal highs ahead of upcoming legislation addressing their prevalence, according to legal affairs minister Paul Wheelhouse.
Shepherd and Wedderburn has advised on the Scottish real estate aspects of a North Sea oil and gas infrastructure assets company's £585 million acquisition of interest in a natural gas pipeline while DWF advised a real estate investment incubator on a £6.6m acquisition of an office block in Glasgo
Laura Wilson Four new recruits have joined the growing ranks of MacRoberts as it continues its recent expansion drive.