
76-90 of 138 Articles
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Petitions are at their lowest level in nine months and are five per cent lower than the average monthly pre-Covid level, according to new figures from the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS). This shows the volumes of cases being progressed each month in the High Court, Sheriff Court and Ju

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Eric McQueen, chief executive of the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS), has written to bar associations in response to a letter raising concerns about the implementation of Covid-19 protections in court and tribunal buildings. We reproduce his letter in full below. Thank you for your lett

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Following last week’s announcement that during the latest lockdown the criminal courts will focus on the most serious cases, seven sheriff courts are now running jury trials linked to remote jury centres. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ayr, Paisley, Kilmarnock, Hamilton and Airdrie Sheriff Courts are now

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There were more High Court evidence led trials in December 2020 than during the same period in the preceding two years amid severe delays caused by the pandemic, new figures from the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) show. Remote jury centres enabled 29 High Court evidence led trials

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As a result of the increasing spread of the new variant of Covid-19 across Scotland, the Lord President, Lord Carloway has announced that during the lockdown period the criminal courts will focus on the most serious trials and the majority of summary trials in the Sheriff Court and Justice of t

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The Law Society of Scotland has raised issues over solicitors' ability to perform their jobs properly in courts with the courts service. Amanda Millar, president of the Law Society of Scotland, said practitioners had expressed concern with the current arrangements and "their ability to play a full a

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The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has confirmed that courts and tribunals will continue to operate business as currently scheduled during the latest lockdown. The existing exemptions to restrictions, allowing court and tribunal users and staff to travel to, and work in, court and

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The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has completed the transfer of ownership of the former Arbroath Sheriff Court building.  The transfer to Arbroath Community Courthouse Trust (ACCT) was arranged under the Community Empowerment Act. This was made on the condition that the full refu

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The overall level of new cases registered is 69 per cent of the average monthly pre-Covid level, the latest Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) data show. This shows the volumes of cases being progressed each month in the High Court, Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Courts f

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There were 36 evidence led trials in the High Court in the latest quarter and no adjournments due to lack of court time, new figures show. The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service quarterly statistical bulletin contains figures on activity in all High, Sheriff, Justice of the Peace and criminal app

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Sheriff and jury trials in Scotland restarted this week and the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service has published a series of advisory videos for jurors, witnesses and professionals participating in trials operating at remote jury centres.

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New rules will come into force tomorrow which will make electronic submission of simple procedure cases mandatory. The rule change was approved by the Scottish Civil Justice Council to help deal with the efficient administration of business during the current Covid pandemic. The rule will be in forc

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Further plans to recommence Sheriff Court jury trials across Scotland have been announced with arrangements for remote jury centres to be created in ODEON cinema complexes in Ayr, East Kilbride, Dundee and Dunfermline. Contractual arrangements for jury venues in Aberdeen and Inverness are currently

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Scotland’s sheriff civil courts are now able to conduct proofs, debates, evidential and fatal accident inquiry (FAI) hearings virtually using the WebEx video platform. The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service has been rolling out WebEx capability since April and it is widely used in the Court

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The latest quarterly fines report has been published by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and shows that fines collection rates have held strong in spite of the effects of the coronavirus crisis. The new report, which covers the financial years 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 Q1 as mea

76-90 of 138 Articles