David Johnston QC Negative prescription establishes a time-limit within which a person who is aggrieved must raise his or her claim in court. If the time-limit is missed, the ability to pursue the claim is lost.
Gavin Shuker MP British men who use prostitutes abroad should be prosecuted according to a report supported by a senior MP.
Gillespie Macandrew has appointed two associates to its Glasgow office, as it continues to see its client base in the West of Scotland grow. Isobell Reid (pictured right), formerly with DWF LLP, is an experienced property and commercial lawyer and joins the litigation and dispute resolution team, wh
Anneli Spence Thorntons has bolstered its land and rural business team with a new appointment.
(L-R) Judge Ian Forrester QC and Peter Sellar
Martin Darroch Martin Darroch, chief executive of Harper Macleod, has been shortlisted for this year’s Institute of Directors Scotland “Director of the Year Awards” – the only law firm leader on the lists.
Philip Gormley Scotland’s new chief constable is to live rent-free in a government-owned castle.
Frances Warner Lacey London’s 100 largest law firms by sq ft occupied saw rents rise seven per cent in 2015 to an average of £43 per sq ft, but many have offset the rise by reducing space and "radically rethinking the workplace", according to research from CBRE, a real estate advisor.
The failure by the Lord Advocate to adopt and publish a policy identifying the facts and circumstances which he will take into account in deciding whether or not to authorise the prosecution in Scotland of a person who assists another to commit suicide does not breach human rights law, appeal judges
Calum MacNeill QC Westwater Advocates’ Calum MacNeill QC represented Greater Glasgow Health Board in the proof recently decided by Lord Stewart who denied a £15 million claim for clinical negligence brought against it by a sufferer of cerebral palsy.
Professor Neil McKeganey A drug addiction expert has said prisoners should have their sentences cut if they can prove they are clean, The Scotsman reports.
Prison reform campaigners are to send volunteers to Scottish courts amid concerns about how the system treats female prisoners, The Herald reports. The number of women in Scottish jails has doubled in the past decade.
David S Christie Technology is reducing the reliance on traditional courtroom hearings, writes David S Christie.
Tim Macdonald Lindsays has appointed Tim Macdonald to its rural services team as a solicitor.
Dr Simone Lamont-Black Dr Simone Lamont-Black, founder of theEdinburgh Vis Moot Project and lecturer in international trade law at the University of Edinburgh, has welcomed the continued support and sponsorship from the Scottish Arbitration Centre for the law school’s Vis Pre-Moot, to be held on 2