
23161-23175 of 24943 Articles
Clock icon 2 minutes Thursday the 25th September marked a special day for graduates of the Specialist Paralegal Qualifications offered by CLT Scotland and accredited by the University of Strathclyde.

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Steve Eckersley The Information Commissioner's Office has imposed a £200,000 fine on a Scottish firm authorised to make green energy assessments by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

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Allan Hogarth Leaked diplomatic cables have revealed that the UK made secret vote-trading deals with Saudi Arabia to guarantee both countries were elected to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2013 The Guardian reports.

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The second Parliament Hall historical exhibition has been a great success attracting nearly 3,500 visitors from all over the world. The exhibition - Parliament House, The Hidden Gem - which ran from 7 August to 26 September, was also a venue during the Edinburgh Fringe and brought in more visitors o

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Final Call for The Tumbling Lassie Ball Sheraton Hotel, Edinburgh, Saturday 10th October 2015. Champagne reception – three course dinner – raffle/auction (auctioneer - Gordon Jackson, QC) – dancing – carriages 1am

23161-23175 of 24943 Articles