
23011-23025 of 26230 Articles
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Jayne Crawford, Hannah Bennett and Laura Connor, who have all trained and worked with Thompsons Solicitors for around 11 years, say they want their promotions to show young female lawyers that the glass ceiling can certainly be broken. Their promotion comes as a report by the Leadership Foundation f

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The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has begun an investigation following the death in custody of a 33-year-old man. A spokesman for the PIRC said: "The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has been directed by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (C

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Some 60 members of the criminal bar enjoyed an enlightening conference which examined the hot topic of vulnerable witnesses. The Scottish Criminal Bar Association (SCBA) event, in Stirling, was voted a resounding success, receiving reviews of “great”, “fantastic” and “excellent”.

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Fergus Lawrie A law student at Strathclyde University who works with asylum seekers, vulnerable people and others as part of the law clinic has been given a prestigious award in London.

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A retired lawyer has won a dispute with his former partners in a solicitors’ firm over his entitlement to a share of the partnership assets. A judge has ruled that the partnership agreement made no provision for division of the firm’s assets on the retirement of a partner due to age, and therefo

23011-23025 of 26230 Articles