The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) has launched a consultation, which will run until 17 November, on the review of solicitors’ fees in the Scottish civil courts. The consultation seeks views and evidence from stakeholders on the fees for solicitors that can be recovered under an award of ex
Holyrood’s Justice Committee has unanimously backed the general principles set out in the Scottish government’s Domestic Abuse Bill.
Michael O'Flaherty The vast majority of Muslims in the European Union have a high sense of trust in democratic institutions despite experiencing widespread discrimination and harassment, a survey by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) shows.
The family of a man who died in hospital after being admitted to the accident and emergency department have failed in their claim for damages despite the health board accepting that its staff were “negligent”. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that notwithstanding the fact that hospital staf
Eric McQueen Changes to summary criminal court procedure including running pre-trial procedures as part of a digital case management process have been suggested by justice experts.
Janys Scott QC The Scottish government has been urged to “do the decent thing” and scrap named person plans altogether, after lawyers criticised attempts to amend the policy at Holyrood today.
Construction of Scotland’s first justice centre is scheduled to begin in November 2017.The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has welcomed the decision by The Highland Council to approve updated plans for Scotland’s first purpose-built justice centre in Inverness.
Andrew Upton Andrew Upton, an associate in the dispute resolution team at Harper Macleod LLP (pictured) has been appointed to the office of legal member of the First-tier Tribunal, Housing and Property Chamber.
A digital scrapbook company is facing a class action lawsuit from people who say it violated their privacy by collecting their face scans without consent. Shutterfly's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that state laws controlling the collection and use of biometric data were not relevant to the
Daradjeet Jagpal Daradjeet Jagpal gives a comprehensive overview of new data protection legislation.
Douglas Roberts Lindsays’ sports law team, led by partner, Douglas Roberts, advised John Sim and David Sinton of Stark’s Park Properties (SPP) on the acquisition of the controlling interest in Raith Rovers Football Club.
Lord Carloway An update on a new model for case management will be published tomorrow, the Lord President has announced.
A landowner who raised a legal action against the Scottish Ministers over what he claimed was a “natural right of drainage” has been granted declaratory that the M74 motorway interferes with that right. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that the defenders were interfering with the pursuer’
There is still time for solicitors and advocates to book a place at a major two-day conference on arbitration this month, endorsed by legal experts from a range of countries and jurisdictions