Case Reports

1936-1950 of 2324 Articles
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A former Navy officer who was jailed after being convicted of brandishing a knife and punching a 17-year-old boy which resulted in his victim having to undergo extensive dental treatment has successfully appealed against his sentence. The Criminal Appeal Court quashed the custodial sentence imposed

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In today’s Grand Chamber judgment in the case of J.K. and Others v. Sweden the European Court of Human Rights held, by ten votes to seven, that there would be: a violation of article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights if the ord

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The owners and publishers of the now defunct News of the World, which was ordered to pay £200,000 in damages after the former MSP Tommy Sheridan won a defamation action against the Scottish edition of the newspaper, have had an application for a new trial refused. Judges in the Inner House of the C

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A man who claimed he didn’t receive a big enough discount on his sentence after being jailed for admitting an assault to severe injury charge has had an appeal dismissed. The Criminal Appeal Court refused the appeal by Ernest Findlay, who was sentenced to 30 months’ imprisonment after being give

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A gamekeeper who was found guilty of killing a buzzard after a sheriff rejected his special defence of alibi has failed in an appeal against his conviction. By a majority of two-to-one, the Criminal Appeal Court refused the appeal after ruling that the sheriff provided “adequate reasons” for acc

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A dental health nurse who was dismissed after being denied legal representation in disciplinary proceedings against her NHS employer cannot challenge the decisions by way of judicial review, a Court of Session judge has ruled. Lord Burns refused a petition by Susan Dryburgh, who was dismissed by NHS

1936-1950 of 2324 Articles