Graham Ogilvy When Lord Hewart, the liberal Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales for much of the 1920s and all of the 1930s, issued his famous dictum, often paraphrased as: "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done", Britain's newspapers were in rude health with national tit
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced an end to employment tribunal fees as she revealed the Scottish government's legislative programme yesterday. She promised to draw on new powers delivered by the Scotland Bill to scrap charges for bringing cases to an employment tribunal, winning praise from
Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC The Scottish government will introduce legislation to create new domestic abuse offences and criminalise the distribution of "revenge porn", First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday.
Heather Nisbet Heather Nisbet discusses some basic contract elements for overage or price top up arrangements in property deals in the first half of her two-part blog which continues tomorrow.
Joan Aitken A lorry driver has had his professional license revoked for 20 years after an inquiry heard of his reckless manoeuvres on one of Scotland's most dangerous roads.
Dame Elish Angiolini A former Lord Advocate has warned that judges may not see community rehabilitation plans for criminals as a viable alternative to imprisonment.
Nicola Sturgeon First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has laid out plans to introduce new bills to improve security for private tenants, introduce rent controls and abolish the "bedroom tax" as early as possible.
A retired police superintendent has voiced concern that police discretion is being "eroded" after he was fined for parking in a bus stop for less than a minute. Jim Kirkwood, 60, told The Herald that he complained to both Police Scotland and the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) a
Nicola Sturgeon The accountability of Police Scotland will be subject to discussion at a summit hosted by the Scottish government later this month, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday.
From left: Jack Boyle, Simon Allison and Andrew Wallace
The European court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has held that the rights of clandestine migrants from Tunisia were violated when they were detained after landing on the Italian coast in the midst of the "Arab Spring" in 2011. The case concerned the migrants' detention in a reception centre on the island
A Scots lawyer who failed in his duties under the CML Handbook and at common law to provide material information to lenders in conveyancing transactions has been found guilty of “professional misconduct”. The Scottish Solicitors Discipline Tribunal(SSDT) censured David Clark and restricted his p
Karen Reid The Care Inspectorate has published a report detailing over 100 serious incidents involving offenders on license or under statutory supervision between June 2013 and January 2015.
MBM Commercial partner Cat MacLean speaks to SLN in this week's Spotlight. What has been your best experience as a lawyer?