Lord Malcolm Environmental campaigners have successfully challenged a Scottish council’s decision to grant planning permission for a new secondary school on green belt land following an appeal.
Ian Maxwell Families Need Fathers (FNF) Scotland has welcomed a report by Holyrood’s Justice Committeewhich makes a strong case for a broad review of Scots family law.
Statistics have been released on productivity and cases brought at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The institution as a whole
Catriona Maclean Crofters are being asked for their views about Crofting Commission elections, ahead of next year’s vote.
Steven Guild Steven Guild reviews last week's Supreme Court tax case of UBS v HMRC – a blow for the 'Houdini taxpayer'.
Professor Cyrus Tata One of Scotland’s leading criminal justice experts argues that an extension to the existing presumption against short custodial sentences will not have the impact intended by the Scottish government of significantly reducing the prison population.
Margaret Burgess A new law intended to modernise the private rented sector has been passed by the Scottish Parliament.
Ken Macdonald A boiler company in Glasgow that made 2.6 million unwanted calls promoting its services and products has been fined £180,000 by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Civil law cases raised at the Court of Session in 2014-15 were up 13 per cent over the previous year to 5,200 – mainly as a result of a 224 per cent rise in clinical negligence cases. However, the number of civil law cases initiated in Scottish courts overall is at its lowest since current statist
A garden centre cafe employee who was injured at work after falling in the kitchen has had an action for damages dismissed after failing to prove his claim that he slipped on an onion. A judge in the Court of Session absolved the defenders because he was “not persuaded on the balance of probabilit
Aileen Knox Property consultant CBRE has released the findings from its Scotland Property Quarterly report, with statistics showing Scottish commercial real estate produced a total return of 1.9 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015, leading to an overall annual return, across all asset types, of 9
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled* the Dublin III Regulation allows member states to send an applicant for international protection to a safe third country, irrespective of whether it is the member state responsible for processing the application or another member state. Th
Lord Pentland The Scottish Law Commission today published a discussion paper on defamation law. The project emerged from modernisation of the law in England and Wales in 2013, where changes were made to tackle “libel tourism”; claims being brought in the English courts on the back of minimal pub
A wholesale review of how family law in Scotland operates may be required, says a report published today by Holyrood’s Justice Committee. Following concerns raised about the effectiveness of some aspects of the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006, the committee took evidence from academics, legal pract
Back from left: Scott Milne and Craig Nicol; Seated – Michelle Adam, Amanda Wilson, Susan Duff and Debbie Fellows