Professors James Chalmers and Fiona Leverick set the record straight on Scotland's much misunderstood third verdict. The Scottish government’s announcement of a two year programme of jury research, which we are delighted to be carrying out along with Ipsos MORI Scotland and Vanessa Munro of th
A police officer who was found guilty of careless driving after crashing into another vehicle while responding to an emergency call has had an appeal against her conviction and sentence rejected. The Sheriff Appeal Court upheld a sheriff’s decision to convict and impose a fine after ruling that a
David Gourlay David Gourlay gives SLN readers the latest GDPR update ahead of its introduction next year.
The annual Red Mass to mark the beginning of the new legal year in Scotland takes place on Sunday 1 October at St Mary's RC Church on Broughton Street in Edinburgh at 12 noon. The Mass will be presided over by the Pope's new Ambassador to Great Britain, Archbishop John Adams, the Papal Nuncio.
Chris Rae CMS has advised China’s largest online travel agency on the lease acquisition of its new Edinburgh call centre which will create up to 200 jobs in the capital.
A businessman who is suing his former solicitors for $210 million over losses he claims to have sustained following the sale of part of his interest in a company has been awarded interim payment of expenses of £1 million. A judge in the Court of Session, who previously held that the claim by Robert
Roseanna Cunningham The Scottish government's ‘world first’ vision for land rights and responsibilities promises greater transparency and a "more diverse pattern" of ownership.
The Civil Aviation Authority, the UK's aviation regulator, has launched enforcement action against Irish airline Ryanair for "persistently misleading" passengers regarding their rights. The regulator wrote to Ryanair earlier this month in the wake of its decision to cancel thousands of flights, urgi
A police inspector who was jailed for fraud has been told he will have to repay more than £100 thousand. David Brown admitted using the names of family members, businesses and strangers to create false insurance policies and then claiming £92,000 commission.
A former state judge twice suspended from office who believes “God’s law” can invalidate decisions of federal courts has won Alabama’s Republican Senate primary, The Washington Post reports. Roy Moore defeated the incumbent, Senator Luther Strange, with 55 per cent of the vote.
Terra Firma Chambers sponsored the Scottish Planning and Environmental Law (SPEL) Annual Conference held in Edinburgh’s COSLA building on 21st September 2017. Chaired by Stuart Gale QC and featuring contributions by fellow TFC members Mark Mohammed, Robert Sutherland and Alasdair Sutherland, the c
A Chinese national seeking permission to remain in the United Kingdom on human rights grounds has successfully challenged a decision by the authorities to reject her application. The judge in the Court of Session ruled that the Home Secretary “fell into error” in reaching her decision that the p
A ceremony next week will see new three new justices sworn in at the Supreme Court as Lady Hale becomes the UK's most senior judge. The swearings-in of Baroness Hale of Richmond as President, Lord Mance as Deputy President, and Lady Black of Derwent, Lord Lloyd-Jones and Lord Briggs of Westbourne as
Photo credit: Google Street View A solicitor who embezzled almost £270,000 from his aunt after she granted him power of attorney is facing jail, The Herald reports.
Thirty new legal members and 19 ordinary members have been appointed by the Scottish ministers to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and assigned to the Housing and Property Chamber by the President of Scottish Tribunals, Lady Smith. The announcement follows a recruitment round by the Judicial App