
19651-19665 of 26199 Articles
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Brian Inkster reflects on innovation in the legal sector in his comprehensive review of Remaking Law Firms – Why & How by George Beaton and Imme Kaschner. Remaking Law Firms is a book that very much looks at the past, present and future of law firms and the change that might be necessary to re

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There is still time to take part in the Scottish Sentencing Council’s public consultation on its first guideline on the principles and purposes of sentencing for all offences. The deadline for submissions is noon on 27 October.

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The Faculty of Advocates doubts the necessity for a general statutory restatement of the law on remedies for breach of contract. The Scottish Law Commission raised the issue of a restatement in a wide-ranging discussion paper, saying the idea was previously taken nowhere in 1999 following a mixed re

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The courts have identified an incompatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the current disclosure regime, which a proposed law seeks to fix. This proposed change fixes a previous amendment to the disclosure regime made in 2015.

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Kate Frame The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has said important lessons must be learned after a man’s body was found inside his van by police three days after they were first informed the vehicle was parked in a lay-by.

19651-19665 of 26199 Articles