
23731-23745 of 24943 Articles
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Families Need Fathers Scotland discuss the perils of a gendered definition of domestic abuse. The Scottish government recently sought views on proposals to change the law on various aspects of domestic abuse and sexual offences. The proposals, entitled Equally Safe: Scotland's strategy for preventin

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The case for major reform of the law on compulsory purchase is “strong”, the Faculty of Advocates has submitted to the Scottish Law Commission. According to the commission, current legislation is largely out of date and not fit for purpose.

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A Court of Appeal judge has warned that judges could become reluctant to chair government inquiries if they are second guessed by MPs on select committees. Beatson LJ, who is drafting guidelines on what judges should be allowed to say on the government's legislation and policy, said there are MPs wh

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People from across Scotland are being asked for their views on legislation which will introduce a new criminal offence of ill-treatment or wilful neglect of adults as well as restrictions on the sale of e-cigarettes and the establishment of no smoking areas in hospital grounds. MSPs on the Health an

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SNP MPs have given their support to a push for the devolution of abortion laws to Holyrood amidst concerns it would lead to cross-border abortion tourism. In May the Scottish government dropped its demands for the powers to be transferred but three pro-life MPs from other parties have supported the

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From left: John Fearn from Asbestos Action, Dianne Foster from Asbestos Action and Fraser Simpson from Digby Brown Solicitors Asbestos Action, a charity who supports sufferers of asbestos-related disease, their families and carers, held their 13th annual conference last week in Dundee, with the them

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has unanimously ruled that banking data, irrespective of whether it contains sensitive information, is protected under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in a case in which San Marino judicial authorities seized the banking documents of four Ita

23731-23745 of 24943 Articles