
17371-17385 of 24393 Articles
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Local authority lawyers in Scotland are registering to attend an important seminar on the workings of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. Advocate Mark Lazarowicz, one of the organisers of the event, said: "The conference has special relevance to local authority lawyers because councils a

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Calum MacNeill QC Calum MacNeill QC of Westwater Advocates represented a police fingerprint officer in her successful £415,000 claim for compensation from the Scottish Police Authority (SPA).

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The UK government has announced new measures to tackle the sale of "unsafe" laser pointers, including strengthening safeguards to stop high-powered lasers entering the country. In a response to a call for evidence launched last year following a recent increase in the number of incidents involving la

17371-17385 of 24393 Articles