Case Reports

1816-1830 of 2324 Articles
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Three men who claimed that the “blanket ban” that prevents people with unspent criminal convictions which resulted in a custodial sentence or community order from being eligible for redress under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme have had their legal challenge dismissed. The claimants ar

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in the cartel during that period, the Commission considered that most of the proposed reductions were no longer appropriate for the period 1993-2004. The change in position of the Roullier group explains why it cannot rely on the principle of the protection of legitimate expectations regarding main

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A man facing extradition to Poland who challenged the order to extradite him on medical grounds has had an appeal dismissed. The High Court of Justiciary Appeal Court upheld the decision of the sheriff to order the appellant’s extradition to the Republic of Poland in terms of section 21(3) of the

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A homeowner who claimed that a Scottish local authority acted beyond its powers in imposing a condition that a property owner required to pay their share of the cost of repairs to a tenement by the time the final account for the works was issued or be liable for the full costs has had his legal chal

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A businessman is suing a Scots lawyer over the solicitor’s allegedly “negligent” advice in the purchase of a petrol station and car wash. A judge in the Court of Session allowed a proof in the action by Sajjad Soofi against Jeffrey Dykes of Glasgow solicitors’ firm Dykes, Glass and Co, over

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A mother found guilty of contempt of court and sentenced to three months' imprisonment after breaching court orders that she facilitate contact between her son and the child’s father has successfully appealed against her conviction and sentence. The Inner House of the Court of Session ruled that t

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A golfer who was seriously injured when he fell into a manhole on a course has had an action for damages against his fellow club members dismissed. Colin Taylor sued the eight members of the executive board at Colville Park Golf Club in Motherwell, not as representatives of the club, but in a person

1816-1830 of 2324 Articles