Wright, Johnson & Mackenzie launches report on safe return to work

Roddy Cormack
Wright, Johnson & Mackenzie LLP (WJM) has published a free report to help a variety of industries manage social distancing in their working environments.
The firm worked with 4c Engineering, with EU funding via Highlands and Islands Enterprise, to scope out various technologies that can assist with social distancing management during the return to work.
Legal director Roddy Cormack said: “From an early stage of the pandemic it was clear there would be a need to implement social distancing in most workforces at some point.
“As a member of the construction law team at WJM, my initial thought was how difficult this would be for contractors and on-site workers, however, a whole host of sectors are facing similar challenges.
“Although restrictions for construction workers have been eased a bit further this week where appropriate PPE is used, there are many other industries which will be struggling with social distancing.
“Manufacturing, hospitality and leisure are now starting their return to work, and maintaining a distance from others isn’t as simple for people working in those areas as it may be in an office environment, for example.
“It’s evident that a huge number of employers are facing some significant challenges and unprecedented legal compliance matters when it comes to social distancing, so as a firm, we felt it was important to do something that could help our clients in addition to traditional legal counsel.
“We knew technology is where the most innovative solutions would lie, so we commissioned 4c Engineering to scope out what technologies and products were on the market that could help with social distancing adherence.”