W.A. Wilson Memorial Lecture to be held next week

Credit: Edinburgh Law School
Edinburgh Law School’s W.A. Wilson Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Professor Helen Scott, regius professor of civil law, University of Cambridge next Thursday and is entitled ‘In Defence of Ignorance’.
Recent accounts of the law of unjust enrichment (restitution) have emphasised the centrality of deliberate conferral (performance). It is suggested, instead, that the central case of unjust enrichment is the non-consensual shift of wealth from claimant to defendant: ‘taking’ rather than ‘giving’.
Helen Scott studied classics and law at the University of Cape Town before moving to Oxford in 1999 to do the BCL. Having held tutorial fellowships at Trinity College, St Catherine’s College and Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford, and spent almost a decade as a member of the Department of Private Law at UCT, in 2022 she took up the regius chair of civil law at Cambridge. She works on Roman law and comparative obligations.