Two new partners at Digby Brown

Two new partners at Digby Brown

Pictured (L-R): Colin Moffat and Richard Pitts

Digby Brown has appointed two lawyers to partner in recognition of their work for historic abuse survivors.

Mr Moffat, based in Glasgow, is known across the sector for ground-breaking success like in such as the first known Fettes College victory – a £400,000 settlement in June 2022 that opened the door for other survivors and securing justice for victims of disgraced university lecturer Kevin O’Gorman.

Mr Pitts, based in Edinburgh, is also potentially the most experienced historic abuse solicitor in Scotland. He is best known for his success and expertise in Ministry of Defence actions, recovering £1.3million for cadet victims against just one perpetrator, as well as high-profile actions against Loretto School and Edinburgh Academy.

Gordon Dalyell has also been appointed as supervising head of the historic abuse team.

Digby Brown chief executive Fraser Oliver said: “Colin and Richard are thoroughly deserving of these new appointments. They have been instrumental in delivering nearly a decade of landmark results and providing empathetic support to vulnerable clients – they truly represent the values of Digby Brown and our commitment to providing access to justice.

“Historic abuse is a relatively new area of law but their consistent delivery of life-affirming results has helped improve and clarify the legal understanding for everyone.

“The appointment of Gordon is also significant as he brings more than 30 years of legal expertise to our historic abuse team which aligns perfectly with his background in pursuing miscarriages of justice.

“Gordon’s guidance of the abuse team will enhance access to justice for even more survivors and get them the recognition and support they deserve.

“A sincere congratulations to all three of them.”

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