Tour legal diploma providers from the comfort of your own digital device

Prospective lawyers getting ready to apply to study the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice can now browse all the providers in one web visit at the Law Society of Scotland’s Virtual Diploma Fair 2020.
Each of the diploma providers have different modules, timetables and study options available. There are also differences in fees and modes of teaching, so it’s important for students to make sure they know all of their options before signing up.
The Virtual Diploma Fair pulls together key course information from each of the six Scottish universities that provide the course, making it easy to compare and contrast what is on offer.
Olivia Moore, interim head of careers and outreach at the Law Society said: “The diploma is a very different course to the LLB, so it’s important to make sure students know what is available from each provider before making a decision on where to apply.
“While our Virtual Diploma Fair does not replace visiting the university in person, it’s a good first step to allow people to focus visits on the places which offer the Diploma which best suits their needs and interests.”