TLT listed in Times Gender Equality guide

Helen Hodgkinson
TLT has been featured in The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality 2023 ranking for its continued commitment and achievements in addressing gender inequality in the workplace.
The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality is a listing of employers taking action and making gender equality part of their business strategy at all levels.
The nomination recognises the action TLT has s taken on a range of issues that impact gender equality in the workplace which has included launching a flexible approach to working (TLT World) a dedicated pregnancy loss policy, competitive paternity and non-birthing parent leave provision.
More recent action includes a new enhanced menopause provision for comprehensive support at this critical life-stage and two new apprenticeship pathways to support and improve gender-distribution across our pay quartiles
Strong results have followed with TLT announcing earlier this year a consecutive reduction in its median gender pay gap to a record-low since it began reporting and, more recently, achieving its target of 33 per cent female representation at partner level two years early.
Helen Hodgkinson, chief people officer at TLT commented: “It is an honour to be named in The Times’ prestigious Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality 2023. TLT has come a long way in recent years in redressing gender imbalances and I’m proud to have these efforts recognised on a national platform. Huge congratulations to all who have helped us secure this spot in the Top 50.”