Sheriff solemn backlog down five per cent

The latest quarterly criminal court figures show progress in Sheriff solemn backlogs.
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service statistical bulletin is published today and provides data on criminal cases. This bulletin covers the period Quarter 3 2023/24 (October - December).
The 23rd QCC bulletin shows the continued impact of the recovery resources switch from summary to solemn that occurred on 1st April 2023 to provide two additional High Court and six additional Sheriff Solemn trial courts.
The number of Sheriff Solemn trials scheduled fell by five per cent to 1,945 as at the end of December 2023 when compared to the previous quarter end.
Other highlights include:
- There were 23,040 first instance criminal cases registered in Scottish courts in Q3 2023/24, which is 1 per cent lower than in Q2 2023/24.
- The overall number of scheduled trials has fallen by 1 per cent to 27,565 as at the end of December 2023 when compared to the previous quarter end (27,911).
- The number of Evidence led trials that called in Q3 2023/24 fell by 1 per cent to 2,089 when compared to Q2 2023/24.
- The total number of cases concluded is 1 per cent higher than in Q2 2023/24, with 22,812 cases concluded in Q3 2023/24.
- In Q3 2023/24 domestic abuse cases accounted for 29 per cent of Sheriff Summary trials called and 32 per cent of Sheriff Summary trials in which evidence was led.