Scottish Parliament to consider stage three of Hunting with Dogs Bill

The Scottish Parliament will consider stage three of the Hunting with Dogs Bill tomorrow.
The bill was introduced last year, two decades after a failed attempt by the Scottish Parliament to ban hunting with the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act, back in 2002.
If the Scottish Parliament votes in favour of the bill, it will bring into force a number of measures which will significantly curtail mounted hunting activity. The bill also includes proposals for a pre-emptive ban on trail hunting. Trail hunting is a sport which was created after hunting was banned in England and Wales following the passing of the Hunting Act in 2004.
Director of the League Against Cruel Sports Scotland, Robbie Marsland, said: “Over 20 years ago Parliament introduced a law which would prevent mounted fox hunts using packs of hounds to chase and kill foxes in the Scottish countryside. Sadly that legislation wasn’t worth the paper it’s written on and has done nothing to stop the cruelty of hunting, instead creating a series of loopholes which allowed hunters to ride roughshod over the law.
“This week the Scottish Parliament has the opportunity to pass new legislation which has the potential to right the wrongs of the last two decades. If successful, this will be a historic day for animal welfare.”