Rights watch

A round-up of human rights stories from around the world.
UN-backed inquiry accuses Russia of war crimes in Ukraine
A U.N.-backed investigation has found that Russian attacks against civilians in Ukraine, including systematic torture and killing in occupied regions, amount to war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity.
Spain’s controversial ‘Gag Law’ reform is doomed to fail
The reform of the controversial Citizen Security Law known as the “Gag Law” will likely be delivered a blow in the parliamentary committee as the Catalan and Basque nationalist parties oppose part of the reform that would allow for anti-riot police to use rubber balls.
UK aid to India does little for human rights and democracy, watchdog finds
Britain’s aid programme to India is fragmented, lacks a clear rationale and does little to counter the negative trends in human rights and democracy in the country, the government’s aid watchdog has found.
Crucial hearing for universal jurisdiction in France
On March 17, the French high court will examine appeals in two Syrian war crimes and crimes against humanity cases. The outcome could affect the future of French universal jurisdiction and of more than a third of such investigations under way in France.
Police use of rubber bullets maiming thousands globally: Amnesty
Police misuse of rubber bullets and other less lethal weapons against peaceful protesters has killed dozens of people and maimed thousands in more than 30 countries over the last five years, Amnesty International has said.
Mexico: Army used Pegasus to spy on human rights defender Raymundo Ramos
Internal documents from Mexico’s Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) conclusively show that the Mexican Army used a secret military intelligence unit to spy on human rights defender Raymundo Ramos using Pegasus spyware, with the purpose of accessing and interfering in the investigations of extrajudicial executions in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, and that this took place with the full knowledge of the Ministry of Defense.
Kenzaburō Ōe: a writer of real humanity and the real Japan
The death at 88 of Japanese writer and Nobel prize winner Kenzaburō Ōe on March 3 leaves a deep wound in his readers. But also in the Japanese community, which has lost one of its most powerful voices and critics.
Murphy and Lee look to pressure Saudi Arabia on human rights, Yemen war
A bipartisan pair of senators are laying the groundwork to check U.S. assistance to Saudi Arabia over criticisms of its oppression of human rights at home and alleged atrocities stemming from its military operations in Yemen.
Don’t use same brush for all on human rights standards in palm oil industry, says Fadillah
KUALA LUMPUR: Those who champion international human rights standards in Malaysian palm oil plantations should not brush all countries with the same brush and label Malaysia as a high-risk country, says Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative tackles human rights at sea
Founders of the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI) met with students, faculty and other members of the Stanford community on Tuesday to share the progress of their ongoing partnership with Stanford to support sustainable fishing practices in Indonesia.