RFPG to host creativity in law event

25 April 2024 from 5.30pm
The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow is hosting a special event showcasing the artistic talents of lawyers in the city.
RFPG, which serves the legal profession in Glasgow and West Central Scotland, is opening its doors on April 25.
The Creativity in the Law evening at the Category-A listed building in Nelson Mandela Place, will feature poets, artists and musicians – all with the aim of raising money for Shelter Scotland.
Stephen Vallance, dean of the Royal Faculty, said: “From Burns to Mackintosh to Capaldi; Scotland has been home to some of the world’s most celebrated poets, artists and musicians.
“We are aware that many of our members practise their creativity with brush or plectrum with the same prodigious flair as they do their drafting and pleading.
“So, we decided to highlight the depth of talent in Scotland’s legal profession by hosting this unique event.
“It will be a convivial evening of music, an art exhibition and good company all in the wonderful setting of the Royal Faculty building.”
The Royal Faculty was incorporated prior to 1668 but opened at its current site in Nelson Mandela Place in 1857.
It has a richly decorated interior and houses a 200-year-old law library, which was modelled on Sansovino’s Library in Venice and is designed in the style of a Venetian “palazzo” or townhouse.
The building, a jewel in the city’s architectural heritage, has recently undergone a £200,000 programme of renovations.
President of the Society of Scottish Artists, Vasile Toch, who is assisting with the exhibition, said: “They say that a picture tells a thousand words. The complex character of the legal profession is a catalyst for developing a creative mind, and it is natural that law professionals find the need to project in a manner more akin to the visual arts.”
All are welcome, including members of the public, the legal profession and the artistic community. Doors open at 5.30pm on April 25.
This is a free event, attendees can choose to make a donation, with all proceeds being donated to Shelter Scotland. To book a place sign up here.