Peterhead Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court’s new roof and cladding completed

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) has completed the work to renew roof finishes and replace cladding panels on the extension at Peterhead Sheriff and Justice of the Peace Court.
The £1 million building refurbishment was carried out by main contractor Clark Contracts.
In addition to the work to the roof and the extension, other works included improvements to the car park, soft landscaping, gates and fencing.
Peterhead Sheriff Clerk Tracey McDonald said: “The community have been very patient waiting for these works to be completed and can now see a difference in the building.
“These works allow us to continue to provide an excellent service to our customers in pleasant surroundings that are fit for purpose and also improves the look of the building and contributes to the aesthetics of the town.”
SCTS director of property and services, David Currie added: “This substantial investment in Peterhead Sheriff and JP Court demonstrates our long term commitment to providing excellent court facilities in the town.”
Clark Contracts director Michael Scanlan said: “It has been fantastic to be involved in this project to provide improved facilities and enhance the overall appearance of Peterhead Sheriff Court. We look forward to delivering many more projects through SCTS’s building refurbishment framework.”