Malcolm Graham named new SCTS chief executive

Malcolm Graham
On behalf of the SCTS board, the lord president has announced that Malcolm Graham will be appointed as SCTS chief executive from July 2024, enabling a handover ahead of current chief executive, Eric McQueen’s retirement.
The selection panel for the chief executive comprised the Lord President, Lord Carloway; Paul Gray, civil service commissioner; Sheriff Principal Anwar and Neil Rennick, director general education and justice.
Mr Graham was formerly deputy chief constable of Police Scotland and has extensive experience of strategic leadership in a complex and challenging environment. He is passionate about leading collectively across public, private and third sectors to deliver substantial public service reforms across the justice system.
Mr McQueen said: “I am delighted that with the appointment of Malcolm Graham as SCTS chief executive I will be leaving the organisation in very capable hands.
“Malcolm comes with a wealth of strategic and operational experience, with a strong focus on developing inclusive cultures where people feel valued and empowered to excel. I know that he will be able to rely on the tremendous support of everyone across SCTS, who every day show incredible passion and commitment in supporting justice.”