LLB entry requirements lowered at ancient universities to widen student intake

Entry requirements for the LLB at some of Scotland’s ancient universities have been adjusted to increase the intake of students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Edinburgh University’s ‘access threshold’ programme lowers the grade requirements for prospectivee LLB students to ABBB at Scottish Higher level. A typical offer is AAAAA.
At Glasgow University, a typical offer is also AAAAA. The adjusted entry requirements are AAABB.
The Scottish government wants 16 per cent of students entering university to be from the most deprived backgrounds by 2021, with this figure rising to 20 per cent by 2030.
A spokesman for the University of Edinburgh said: “The university is committed to widening access and welcomes applications from students from diverse backgrounds, while ensuring we support every student throughout their academic journey.”
A spokesman for the University of Glasgow said it was “committed to widening access to higher education and we have a proud history of outreach programmes, of which contextualised offer-making to applicants from varied backgrounds is an important part. Those contextualised offers have been made since the 1980s via our summer school programme.”