IWD: Next 100 Years launches photo competition

The Next 100 Years, the successor project to the First 100 Years, is launching a competition to find 100 “powerful group photos” that encapsulate the legal profession today.
This year is the centenary of the first four women to be admitted to the Law Society of England and Wales – Carrie Morrison, Maud Crofts, Mary Pickup and Mary Sykes. To commemorate the achievements of these trailblazers and the progress made over the last 100 years, the Next 100 Years is looking for images featuring groups of four, or more, legal professionals.
The photos should be compelling portraits of women and men working in the law that “celebrate the power of togetherness and what can be achieved when we work collectively”.
Entries can picture the four professionals at work or enjoying leisure time. Entrants are welcomed from across the globe.
The winning images will form the basis of a 2023 calendar and an exhibition entitled The way we are: portraits of the legal profession today.
Dana Denis-Smith, founder of the Next 100 Years and CEO of Obelisk Support says: “2022 is a significant year for the history of women in the legal profession, marking 100 years since the first four women qualified as solicitors. We have come a long way since those early trailblazers and this International Women’s Day we want to celebrate that success.
“Building on the progress made towards equality takes considerable collective effort from everyone in the profession, whether it’s closing the gender pay gap, embedding the new found flexibility we have achieved during the pandemic or making the profession more accessible to women from less privileged backgrounds. Our photography competition aims reflect the achievements of those first four female solicitors, demonstrate the power of togetherness and the results that working together to achieve equality can bring.”
The competition opens on 10 March and closes on 10 May. Winners will be announced in the autumn. Entries should be sent to: awards@spark21.org.