Increased reporting of sexual offending fuels High Court caseload

The volume of High Court indictments registered in recent quarters continues to be above 200 per quarter, a trend expected to continue due to increased reporting of sexual offending.
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service’s quarterly statistical bulletin also reveal that 2,492 petitions were registered in sheriff courts in Q3 showing a similar volume to Q2 2019/20. This trend is also expected to remain high due to the increase in prosecution of sexual offences. The volume of evidence led trials in Q3 2019/20 is comparable to Q2 2019/20, with 292 evidence led trials taking place.
David Fraser, chief operations officer, said: “The QCC bulletin and interactive workbook provide open and transparent access to activity in the first instance criminal courts and includes comprehensive figures such as the national total of trials called; the total of trials where evidence was led; trials scheduled as well as trials adjourned due to lack of court time.”