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Holiday park operator Pontins has apologised for discriminating against Irish Travellers as it begins to implement an action plan developed with Britain's equality watchdog. In February, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published an investigation into Pontins and served the company wi

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Holiday park operator Pontins has been ordered by Britain's equality watchdog to stop unlawfully discriminating against Irish Travellers, including by rejecting guests with Irish names and accents. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has served the company with an unlawful act notice aft

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Staff at public bodies can be “overwhelmed” with the implementation of human rights laws in their organisations, a new study warns. When laws are viewed as sacrosanct, control over their interpretation and implementation can be seen as the responsibility of a privileged few, according to

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is facing a special review of its 'A status' as a national human rights institution after LGBT+ groups raised concerns about its political independence. The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) agreed to carry out the special

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An examination of Scotland’s equality and human rights landscape over the last five years has been published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The Equality and Human Rights Monitor report assesses the state of equality and human rights across Britain. Specific findings from S

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Britain’s equality watchdog has concluded a legal agreement with the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB), after the public body responsible for administering legal assistance in Scotland improved its equality practices. SLAB entered the agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Ju

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IKEA UK has entered into a legal agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), to improve its policies and practices in relation to sexual harassment. The intervention by Britain’s equality regulator follows a complaint about sexual harassment and assault from a former IKEA e

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A woman who brought a racial discrimination case against the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has settled out of court with the Scottish ministers. The case was settled after the Equality and Human Rights Commission funded the eight-day final hearing through its legal support schem

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The use of artificial intelligence by public bodies is to be monitored by Britain’s equality regulator for the first time to ensure technologies are not discriminating against people.

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Gender Recognition Act reforms should not be rushed, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has told MSPs at Holyrood. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill aims to make it easier for trans people to change their legally recognised sex.

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Hospitality bosses have agreed a strict zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment of staff in their venues with the launch of a new action plan today. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and UKHospitality have worked closely together to produce a practical resource to stop the harassm

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Britain must relieve the pressures on its education, health and social care systems following the coronavirus pandemic, the country’s human rights watchdog says in a report to the UN today. A widening educational attainment gap for children on free school meals and concerns about safety in the

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is requiring the Department for Work and Pensions to improve its treatment of disabled benefit claimants. This is in response to serious concerns about failures to meet the needs of its customers with mental health impairments and learning disabilities

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A practical guide to the law in relation to single-sex spaces has been published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) today. The guidance aims to help service providers make lawful decisions about any services they offer to women and men separately, by explaining the permitted sex and

1-15 of 31 Articles