Top legal aid earners remain same as last year

Tony Lenehan KC remains the top earner of legal aid fees, new figures from the Scottish Legal Aid Board show. In 2023-24, Mr Lenehan’s fees were £450,000, an increase of £50,000 on the previous year.
Brian McConnachie KC rose from eighth to second place in this year’s tables, bringing in £366,000, a 39 per cent, or £103,000 increase on the previous year’s number.
Donald Findlay KC remained in third place with fees for 2023-24 of £345,000.

As for law firms, Bruce McCormack received the most in legal aid fees in 2023-24, maintaining first place. It brought in 2,021,000, a four per cent rise on the previous year.
Latta & Co Solicitors remained in second place with earnings of £1,801,000.
Paterson Bell Solicitors came in third place again with fees of £1,789,000.

The top three earners remained much the same for solicitor advocates too. Iain M Paterson of Patereson Bell Solicitors, took first place with fees of £431,000, an 18 per cent increase on the previous year.
He was followed by Iain McSporran KC, whose earnings were £336,000.
In third place was Gordon Martin of Martin, Johnston & Socha Ltd Solicitors. His brought in legal aid fees of £233,000.