Terra Firma Chambers: 2020 Vision- Bringing Clarity to Executries and Taxes

Terra Firma Chambers: 2020 Vision- Bringing Clarity to Executries and Taxes

Terra Firma is pleased to announce the next in its 2020 Vision series of webinars: 2020 Vision: Bringing Clarity to Executries and Taxes, will be broadcast on Zoom at 11am on Wednesday 29 July 2020.

At this event Roddy MacLeod and Fergus Colquhoun will present a talk entitled  “Executry case update / Lessons for Practice”, Derek Francis will speak on “Instruments of Variation & Extraneous Consideration” and Gordon Watt will consider “IPL meets AWI meets IHT”.

The webinar has been accredited for 1 hour of CPD for members of Faculty and is eligible for a similar award from the Law Society for the solicitor branch of the profession. We would welcome any questions in advance and these should be emailed to seminars@terrafirmachambers.com.

There is no registration fee but prior booking is necessary.  To register for this event by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/y43o3lyo

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