SYLA launches February/March events, including new Civil Day Conference and the Spring Ball for 2015

Hot on the heels of its nomination for “legal training provider of the year” at the forthcoming Scott & Co Legal Awards for 2015, the Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association (SYLA) has launched its latest events to members.
The programme over the next eight weeks includes a new Civil Day Conference and its famous Spring Ball.
On 12 February 2015, Fiona McAllister of Burness Paull and Jennifer Whitehead, senior legal affairs executive at the Comedy Unit will speak on the topic “So you want to be a media lawyer?” in Glasgow.
On 24 February 2015, Coral Riddell of the Law Society of Scotland, together with Victoria Arnott of Simpson & Marwick will deliver “Beyond the Basics: Professional Practice Update” in Edinburgh, exploring recent case law in the area of solicitor negligence and highlight key issues that all young lawyers should be aware of.
On 9 March 2015, the SYLA will host a new conference for 2015, entitled SYLA Civil Day Conference: The Changing Landscape, to be held in Dundee.
The day is aimed at practitioners working in civil litigation and will cover the latest updates on court practice, together with an update on the currently evolving dispute resolution landscape in Scotland. The conference will offer separate specialist streams in the afternoon for those working across personal injury, family and commercial litigation. It will offer 6 hours CPD, at the rate of £60 per delegate.
On 12 March 2015, the Stirling legal community will host “So you want to be a criminal lawyer?”, followed by “So you want to be a charity lawyer?” in Edinburgh on 18 March 2015, hosted by Simon Mackintosh of Turcan Connell, together with Moira Cathcart and Isobel Vincent of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Finally, on 21 March 2015, lawyers from across Scotland will gather at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow for the Annual Spring Ball.
Tables of 10 and individual tickets are now all sale – tickets include fizz reception, three course meal, complimentary wine on tables, charity raffle, live music from the Waterfront Show Band and lots of dancing!
To book for all events, please click here.