Sixteen new solicitor advocates admitted

The Law Society of Scotland has granted 16 new solicitor advocates extended rights of audience at back-to-back ceremonies at the Court of Session.
The ceremonies marked the largest number of solicitor advocates introduced to the court in one day since the pandemic as the demand for the course increased last year.
Law Society president, Sheila Webster, invited Lord Braid to administer the declaration of allegiance to the solicitor advocates during two ceremonies held yesterday, Wednesday 17 January.
The new solicitor advocates are:
- Lucy Adams from COPFS
- Vicki Bell from the Scottish government
- Graeme Clark from COPFS
- Kirsten Cockburn from COPFS
- Kevin Corrins from COPFS
- Ruaraidh Ferguson from COPFS
- Harry Findlay from COPFS
- Darren Fleming from Gallen and Company Ltd
- Keith Leishman from Keith Leishman & Co Defence
- David McDonald from COPFS
- Julia McPartlin from Hughes Walker Law
- Stuart Munro from Livingstone Brown Limited
- Ross Price from COPFS
- Pamela Rodgers from PBW Law Solicitors
- Alasdair Shaw from COPFS
- Melissa Virtue from George More & Company LLP
Ms Webster said: “It’s an honour to start the new year welcoming our new solicitor advocates to Court. To see solicitors taking on the challenge of exams, assessments, and training on top of their day jobs at such an increased rate is extremely positive for the trajectory of the sector post-pandemic.
“I’d like to extend my congratulations to our new solicitor advocates for their hard work and perseverance as they join such a valued part of our profession.
“Three members of the Law Society’s Criminal Law Committee are among those who’ve been granted extended rights of audience, Julia McPartlin, Vikki Bell, and the committee’s convener Stuart Munro. Working on such a demanding committee and completing this process is an impressive feat.”