Scots lawyers in the USA talk to SLN Annual Review 2015

This year’s Scottish Legal News Annual Review devotes a section to Scottish lawyers working in the USA.
The section is built around an essay by US judge Jed Rakoff and in it three Scottish lawyers tell of their experiences stateside.
Edinburgh graduate Pete Reid hit the headlines last year with an amusing caber-tossing advert to promote his Texas law business.
Pete tells of how his Scottish accent helped him to get established in the US legal profession and of how one of his first cases as a young lawyer in New York became an international sensation when he defended the right of developers to build a mosque near the site of Ground Zero – the memorial to the World Trade Centre attacks.
Criminal lawyer John Clancy from Dundee now works as a practice manager in Utah and describes the workings of the criminal justice system from a defence point of view.
From Washington, Edinburgh graduate and Kennedy Scholar Philippa Greertalks about life at Harvard’s famed Law School and her work on Death Row with the respected British charity Reprieve.
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