Rights watch

A round-up of human rights stories from around the world.
More Evidence of China’s Horrific Abuses in Xinjiang | Human Rights Watch
“His wife wore veils.” “He has one more child than allowed by the family planning policy.” “He prayed after each meal.” These are some of the reasons people in Karakax County in Xinjiang, northwestern China, are being detained in “political education” camps.
Bill Browder, the man behind laws targeting human rights abusers with individual sanctions, says Australia should follow US and UK
For the first time, the EU has withdrawn some trade preferences for a developing country on its Everything But Arms tariffs.
Canis Lupus in agro hominis | UK Human Rights Blog
Are species protected under international conservation laws if they are found in human habitations?
Tony Blair says he would refuse to sign trans rights pledge | The Independent
Tony Blair has warned Labour’s leadership contenders not to get involved in a “culture war” over transgender rights, warning it could cost the party any chance of power.
Sri Lanka says it will withdraw from UN rights resolution | News | Al Jazeera
Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa was president when Sri Lankan troops defeated Tamil Tiger rebels in 2009.
Mike Pompeo visits Saudi Arabia to focus on Iranian threats, human rights | The Japan Times
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and the crown prince on Thursday in a visit focused primarily on discussing shared
EU: Press Vietnam on Human Rights Reforms | Human Rights Watch
The European Union should press Vietnam to end its systemic repression of human rights and release political prisoners and detainees.