Rights watch

A round-up of human rights stories from around the world.
Urgent Action Needed to Meet Education Deadline | Human Rights Watch
Governments should end all discrimination in children’s access to education and urgently strengthen policies and funding to ensure all children are able to benefit from their right to quality education, Human Rights Watch said today, the International Day of Education.
‘No human rights’: Mexico blocks migrant caravan headed north | Mexico News | Al Jazeera
National Guard use pepper spray, shields to break up caravan of asylum seekers, migrants outside Tapachula.
UN human rights ruling could boost climate change asylum claims | UN News
The UN Human Rights Committee has determined that countries cannot deport people who have sought asylum due to climate-related threats.
Tanzanian human rights lawyer Tito Magoti case adjourned again
Dorset residents left in limbo a ‘breach of human rights’ | Dorset Echo
Almost a thousand vulnerable Dorset residents have been left in limbo for over a year while carers applied to strip them of their freedom.
Tshisekedi records small human rights gains but much remains to be done
Human rights activist and founder of investment fund Hermitage Capital, Bill Browder, takes a critical look at corruption and humans rights violations in Russia and keeps rallying for an EU Magnitsky Act.”
Graffiti creates positive human rights narratives in Lebanon | OpenGlobalRights
During widespread protests in Lebanon, street artists have painted messages of hope and human rights activism across Beirut.
Attacks on Aid Workers in Northeastern Nigeria | Human Rights Watch
Worrying reports of gruesome attacks and killings by insurgents in Nigeria’s restive northeast region appear to show an escalation of attacks on aid workers and other civilians over the past several weeks.
More than 300 human rights activists were killed in 2019, report reveals | Law | The Guardian
Colombia was the bloodiest nation with 103 murders and the Philippines was second, followed by Brazil, Honduras and Mexico