Proposed domestic abuse register wins cross-party backing

Pam Gosal MSP
A private member’s bill proposing the establishment of a domestic abuse register similar to the sex offenders register has gained wide cross-party support from 41 MSPs.
The Domestic Abuse (Prevention) (Scotland) Bill introduced by Pam Gosal, a Conservative MSP for West Scotland, will now move forward to be debated in the Scottish Parliament.
In addition to a domestic abuse register, the bill will introduce mandatory rehabilitation measures for offenders convicted of domestic abuse and increase education around the subject, both of which Ms Gosal says would help to prevent domestic violence from occurring and reduce reoffending rates.
During the consultation process for the bill, 23 organisations voiced support for it, and more than 91 per cent of all respondents to the consultation were supportive, with 86 per cent of respondents saying they were “fully supportive”.
Ms Gosal said: “I am delighted that my bill has achieved significant cross-party support and that we are one step closer to passing this vital legislation.
“Thank you to the many SNP, Labour and Lib Dem MSPs who have put politics to one side and backed my bill so we can help survivors and stop the appalling crime of domestic abuse.
“My bill would create more accessible support for victims, increase public knowledge and awareness of domestic abuse, and provide police with more resources to tackle these awful crimes.
“While there is still some way to go, I hope that one day soon, my bill will become law and Scotland can be a world-leader in preventing and tackling domestic abuse.”