Proposals to strengthen academic freedom to be examined

Proposals to strengthen academic freedom in colleges and universities are to be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee as it scrutinises the Higher Education (Governance) Scotland Bill.
The bill expands the current definition of academic freedom to cover the freedom to develop and advance new ideas and “innovative” proposals.
Measures to change the governance structure of higher education institutions are also included in the bill.
According to the Scottish government these changes will improve transparency and give a greater voice to students and staff.
Committee convener, Stewart Maxwell MSP said: “Scotland is home to some of the world’s leading universities.
“These institutions are at the forefront of research as well as developing new technology.
“Their work changes lives but for our universities to succeed they must have the freedom to develop these innovative ideas.
“There has been a very recent and often heated debate about comments made by some leading academics, which have raised a number of issues about freedom of expression.
“We will therefore explore the likely practical impact of redefining academic freedom and exactly how it is to be strengthened.
“The bill before us also proposes to change the way higher education is governed in Scotland. It aims to create a modern and accountable framework that is more inclusive of students, staff and unions.
“We will look closely at how the bill hopes to achieve this and would encourage all of those with an interest to give their views.”
To help inform its consideration of the bill, the committee has today launched a call for written submissions. Questions include:
Academic Freedom
Higher Education Governance