New appointment for Scottish Land Court

A new member of the Scottish Land Court has been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen, on the recommendation of the Scottish ministers.
Thomas Campbell, 50, is a partner in JR&T Campbell, dairy, beef and sheep farmers, West Kilbride, Ayrshire and a former vice chairman of First Milk Limited. He was chairman of the dairy sector of Red Tractor Farm Assurance from 2009 to 2011. Mr Campbell has a wide range of experience as both a tenant farmer and owner.
He will take up his appointment as a member of the Scottish Land Court on 19 April 2016, after current member, Angus MacDonald, retires on 3 March..
The Scottish Land Court has the authority to resolve a range of disputes including disputes between landlords and tenants, in agriculture and crofting. The court is based in Edinburgh but holds hearings throughout Scotland.
The appointment panel was made up of: Kay McCorquodale, head of Courts, Judicial Appointments Policy & Central Authority Team (chair), Lord Minginish, chair of the Scottish Land Court and John Smith, member of the Scottish Land Court.
This is a part-time appointment of three days per week. Remuneration for the post is £41,432 per annum.