Nearly 200 police officers facing criminal investigation

New figures published in Scottish Police Authority (SPA) documents show that 171 Scottish police officers are facing serious criminal allegations including assault and fraud.
A document from the SPA complaints and conduct committee meeting on 11 May lists allegations made against officers - ranging from data protection breaches to sexual assault and drug offences.
A total of 159 officers have been placed on restricted duties while they are being investigated, while a further 12 have been suspended outright.
Some 38 of those officers have been prevented from carrying out their full duties for at least 700 days - nearly two years - while investigations continue.
Police Scotland employed a total of 17,295 police officers as at the first quarter of 2015, according to the latest iteration of the Scottish government’s official Police Officer Quarterly Strength report.
David Kennedy of the Scottish Police Federation told STV News: “Many of these cases will be from when the officer was off-duty.
“In general, there are a lot more historical cases being looked at, quite rightly. They are being more robust and in-depth than they have been in the past.
“The only alternative to suspension is to put an officer on restricted duties – it means you are getting something for your money, rather than them sitting at home on full pay.”