Lord advocate instructs police to request unredacted version of torture report

Scottish police are to request an uncensored version of a report on CIA torture from US authorities as part of their investigation into the use of Scottish airports for the CIA’a extraordinary rendition programme The Press and Journal reports.
The lord advocate Frank Mulholland has confirmed that police have been “instructed to request and consider the unredacted version” of the Senate report.
Kevin Stewart, an SNP MSP called on US authorities to co-operate with Police Scotland and provide and “unadulterated” copy of the report.
An inquiry was first launched by the police in 2013 after it emerged that the CIA had used Aberdeen, Inverness and Wick airports for its operations.
As a result of investigations by The Press and Journal, proof emerged that five rendition flights had landed at both Wick and Inverness and that an additional three had landed at Aberdeen International Airport.
In a letter to Mr Stewart, Mr Mulholland said: “I can confirm that Police Scotland have been instructed to request and consider the unredacted version of the US Senate select committee’s study into the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation programme as part of the ongoing investigation into rendition flights in Scotland.”