Letter: Witch pardon and law reform not either-or proposition

Letter: Witch pardon and law reform not either-or proposition

Dear Editor

I was disappointed to read Douglas J. Cusine’s letter in which he ridicules the campaign to secure a pardon, apology and memorial to those (mainly women) tortured and executed as witches under an Act of Parliament. His comparison with the misfortunes suffered at the hands of Roman invaders was not whimsical but facile (as, of course, a man of his learning well knows); they did not purport to invade under the authority of the local legislature.

I had my own doubts as to the efficacy and relevance of the campaign, those doubts being removed by the simple task of reading and listening to the contributions of a number of well informed people on the website of witchesofscotland.com (declaration of interest, my contribution to the podcast is particularly inspired!).

I am certain that as a fair-minded and intelligent man, as we know Douglas to be, he too will be prepared to change his views once he has thus informed himself. There is room for debate on this matter and on law reform, surely?

Iain McSporran QC

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