Letter: Stroke of a pen

Letter: Stroke of a pen

Dear Editor,

The prime minister asserts the wish to overturn the convictions of the sub-postmasters “swiftly” by legislation which could be in place by the end of the year.

With respect, it could be done tomorrow by COPFS and CPS bringing to their respective criminal appeal courts a list of convictions with case references and informing the court that investigations have revealed these convictions to be flawed and inviting the court to overturn the convictions. Such a step would have the additional advantage of respecting the separation of powers.

Furthermore, there could be attached to each case a statement of the amount of money extracted from each sub-postmaster in respect of non-existent deficits and a request for a compensation order in that sum in favour of each claimant.

The result would be the instant overturning of the convictions and the restoration of the money unlawfully extracted from them.

I also see no reason why the compensation cases should not be handed over, perhaps exceptionally, to e.g. the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority for the assessment of appropriate compensation with power to make interim awards.

The recent dramatic portrayal of the scandal disclosed nothing new and the individuals concerned have suffered for far too long. Politicians are simply responding to a public outcry with a typical political response. The issue is a matter of law, not politics, and can be put right in a relatively short time if the will to do so is present.

Now is the time to demonstrate the true independence of the lord advocate and the CPS from political influence.

T.A.K. Drummond KC

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